Our Courses are approved and accepted nationwide. Classes are taught in the PA, NY, NJ, Maryland, Virginia, and the Washington D.C. area. Firefighters will come to your site. Courses are approved and accepted nationwide by OSHA, DOT, MSHA, District of Columbia, Social Services, Maryland Dept. of Human Resources Child Care Admin., State of Maryland Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems, Commonwealth of Virginia Dept. of Health Professions, YMCA USA, JCAHO Dept. Standards, U.S. Dept. Labor and American Academy of Pediatrics.
Our programs are intended for healthcare, child care and adult care professionals as well as anyone interested in being certified in either First Aid or Adult/Infant Child CPR and AED! We offer several different training opportunities to meet your personal and regulatory compliance needs.
Our classes can be taught on-site at your location or business. Classes are taught in the PA, NY, NJ, Maryland, Virginia, and the Washington D.C. area. Most of our courses can be completed in as little as 2-3 hours dependent on participant knowledge and questions. And our instructors welcome all questions as our goal is to prepare our citizens for medical emergencies! Remember the first 6 minutes of an incident are critical! We prepare citizens for that crucial period!
Learn the skills to help those in need! Our course provides you with basic knowledge to provide care during a medical emergency until help arrives.
Our program gives healthcare professionals the skills to provide quality health care services to their patients.
Basic Life Support Training gives you the necessary skills to respond to medical emergencies.
Medical emergencies can happen at anytime. Be prepared by learning to provide emergency care in your professional setting.
Do you provide CPR/First Aid Training in your community? Improve your instructing skills with one of our expert instructors.
As a professional who comes in contact with blood or other bodily fluids you are required to be in compliance with OSHA. Learn the skills to prevent blood borne infections and diseases.
Levet Brown is a 24 year veteran Firefighter/EMT of the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services. He has taught Emergency Medical Procedures to hundreds of local businesses, health professionals and citizens in the D.C./Maryland/Virginia Metro area. Levet's commitment to the health and safety of his community inspired him to develop the Metro Professional Firefighters Association. Levet holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from University Maryland University College and a Master of Education degree from William Woods University. Click here for more info about scheduling your CPR/First Aid training with us today!
Dionicio Acosta is a Firefighter HVO/E.M.T. with Howard County Fire and Rescue with over 15 years of experience within the fire and emergency medical service. He has been a Firefighter Emergency Technician in both Pennsylvania and Maryland. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies and Theology from Eastern Mennonite University and a Master of Social Work degree from Temple University. He is valuable to our organization as he is bilingual in both Spanish and English and has taught Adult/Infant/Child CPR and First Aid classes in both languages. Click here for more info about scheduling your CPR/First Aid training with us today!
In response to an National Emergency, Metro Professional Firefighters Association is now offering ZOOM classes for CPR/First Aid Certifications for the Workplace and BLS using AHA standards. Contact us at (301) 758-4439 or email at metroprofessionalfirefghters@gmail.com
Have you recently attended a training offered by us? Let us know how we did!
View digital downloads from previous courses. Please contact us for additional help.
If you have questions about the opportunities available to you in our programs, send us a message or give us a call. Please allow 24 hours for a response.
CPR First Aid and AED training for the workplace.
CPR Program
Dealing with a choking emergency
How to deal with severe bleed.
How to respond for a stoke emergency.
How to react to a sudden cardiac arrest with AED and CPR.
How to respond to child poisoning.
This video gives you a look into problems caused by heart attack and how to respond to these difficulties. Also discusses treatment.
Video discusses signs and symptoms of stroke and how to treat and respond to an stroke emergency.
CPR /First Aid/AED and Information Documents
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